Comments on: IdealGov and thinkpublic invite you to MIND THE GAP What do we want from Internet-age government? Wouldn't it be better if... Wed, 14 May 2014 08:35:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Botfield Thu, 03 Apr 2008 19:45:44 +0000 http://mind_the_gap_new_idealgov_competition_with_thinkpublic#comment-2026 I set up a self employed business last year, slowly I built up a small debt (less than 4k) but I later found out I could have claimed £40 a week in working tax credit which would have halved this debt. Why is it that when we own money (tax for example) the government can back date it, but if we are “owed” money we can only back date it a couple of weeks. Very unfair system – one rule for all is the way forward

By: AndreM Wed, 16 Jan 2008 13:33:25 +0000 http://mind_the_gap_new_idealgov_competition_with_thinkpublic#comment-2025 I have many ideas but don’t know how to put them in reality
