Comments on: Sensible health-records option #3 emerges as CfH stretches to infinity and beyond What do we want from Internet-age government? Wouldn't it be better if... Wed, 14 May 2014 08:35:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Guy Herbert Tue, 20 May 2008 12:05:27 +0000 http://sensible_health_records_option_3_emerges_as_cfh_stretches_to_infinity_and_b#comment-2339 Why will it take so many years and so many billions of pounds before we come to our senses?

It won’t, Will. “We” will never come to our senses, because there is a fundamental conflict of interest between the vast state bureaucracies and individual users’ convenience and privacy.

IBM’s “patient-driven privacy” will never come to the NHS because the patient is not the customer of the NHS, the state is. The product is bureaucratic outcomes and achievements. The patient is merely the raw material.
