Comments on: Policeman Amerdeep Johal accused of data nitwittery and crookery What do we want from Internet-age government? Wouldn't it be better if... Wed, 14 May 2014 08:35:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim Fri, 19 Dec 2008 18:01:01 +0000 http://policeman_amerdeep_johal_accused_of_data_nitwittery_and_crookery#comment-2692 This is as William Heath states ‘serious stuff’. However should Police and other agencies be restricted in their access to information they hold and collect? I say no. After all the majority of law abiding citizens details are not even recorded by Police, other than of course vehicle details. Doing the right thing does not always improve things and quite often degrades a current process or system that, in fact, for the main works well.

Police and other agencies need information freely and in real time, to be able to conduct their jobs effectively and properly. Why should there be any ‘constructive alternatives’ other than from the relevant authority? Anyone else surely has not the experience to comment. All to often public opinion (normally the opinion of an outspoken minority) and political view overrule the knowledge and common sense of the people whom actually do the job. The issue here is simple. What Pc Johal did was wrong and for that he is being punished.

By: ukliberty Wed, 10 Dec 2008 16:08:08 +0000 http://policeman_amerdeep_johal_accused_of_data_nitwittery_and_crookery#comment-2691 Hi,

A combination shameless plug and something that may be of interest to your readers: I compile lists of data abuses and data losses from the media and elsewhere.
