Comments on: School governor needs our help! What do we want from Internet-age government? Wouldn't it be better if... Wed, 14 May 2014 08:35:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: William Heath Thu, 25 Mar 2010 22:54:08 +0000 Alan writes:

> What are the data protection costs for the school here – work needed to
be done if the parent asks, can they provide the algorithm by which the
scanner made its decision when it refuses a small child their meal and
the parent asks how the automated decision was reached. (Thinking along
the compliance overhead angle for those governors who don’t care about
liberties but see the world in £ signs)

It also overlooks the rather human question IMHO

– What happens if the reader rejects people – there will be stigma and
teasing associated with it and being a special case, especially if it
keeps failing on some pupils (eg those who go to meals still adorned
with paint, clay, ….)

and the cost of the backup process – because there must be a process when
child and machine disagree. You can’t just say “it went beep you starve”
or handle it with “see me this afternoon”

Finally there is the accuracy/ease of faking issue depending upon the
school ages involved. Any 13 year old braniac fan can fool many readers

By: uberVU - social comments Thu, 25 Mar 2010 16:39:09 +0000 Social comments and analytics for this post…

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