WRITTEN ON June 13th, 2005 BY Adam McGreggor AND STORED IN Political engagement

Wow. Today marked the launch of PledgeBank — a mySociety project that encourages collaborative actions — so you know that you won’t be the only person doing something at once.

It’s a mySoc project that I’ve not been 100% involved in, but on popping back to it, I *really* was impressed with it.

Not just that, but also how phenomenally popular it’s been: new pledges being created, and over 1000 sign-ups before 5pm for one pledge: http://www.pledgebank.com/refuse, created by No2ID’s National Co-Ordinator.

Now, unlike many websites, PledgeBank‘s not just about being online, but whole community, allowing signups over SMS, and auto-generated flyers to cut and send about.

There are, literally, loads of pledges on the site, including some from MPs, Councillors, and a certain Brian Eno…

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