WRITTEN ON July 25th, 2005 BY Alex Singleton AND STORED IN What do we want?, Wibbipedia/MindtheGap

Antoine Clarke has a good item on the CNE Health Blog about how the public sector could use blogs and RSS feeds to improve communication:

A National Health Service computer breakdown in Cambridgeshire, England, was caused by the practice of sending out mass emails, instead of blogging.

If the department concerned had set up an internal blog (as a cheaper and easier to use version of an Intranet), then the request could have been posted online. One of the main differences between an Intranet and a blog is the speed and ease with which several people can post entries.

The staff in the NHS region could have used their RSS aggregators to pickup the request (if it was relevant to them). All of this without a single email to block inboxes or crash servers.

One Response to “Blogs and RSS for the public sector”

Antoine Clarke wrote on July 26th, 2005 3:24 pm :

Thanks for the plug Alex. Now if I could just persuade all the think tanks that email me massive files on a weekly or sometimes even daily basis to switch to RSS, I could actually clear my inbox without having to designate everything from AEI, CNE, IEM and Stockholm Network as spam.

BTW, nice site, I’ve just added it to my RSS reader.