WRITTEN ON September 10th, 2005 BY William Heath AND STORED IN Uncategorized

It’s been a year, it has been great, and I”m going to leave off for a bit.

I’ve still got to track down Stefan judge the maps mashups competition and have some fabulous prizes sent out from Google and the Ordnance Survey. For future maps news let’s just watch Google Maps Mania.

The one thing I still want to notch up here is more ethnographers’ reports on actual experiences of dealing with public services (with Wibbies where poss). This should morph into a new service called UK Feedback. Meanwhile a brilliant-looking service for NHS has just launched – Patient Opinion.

My main attention for the next three months is on Europe, so it’s off to Ideal Government: Europe. See you there!

Ideal Gov (Uk) stays open, but in standby mode. Anyone is still welcome to post stuff here. Thanks again to Kable for supporting it.

I think the meme of “what do we want” from e-enabled public servivces has really spread. It has proved a great antidote to complaining. It may even be reflected in the forthcoming government IT strategy (which is being cut down to size as we write).

The UK now has a new grassroots-funded Open Rights Group. The identity issue globally has turned a corner thanks to Kim Cameron and Stefan Brands. I’m sure the UK government will twig at some stage. Until it does, there’s every excuse for repeated viewings of the excellent performing dog.

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