WRITTEN ON October 16th, 2005 BY William Heath AND STORED IN Uncategorized

The outright winner of the Ideal Government silly season maps mashup contest is:

Plymouth schools

by Simon Wright

Extremely good and entirely deserving of a prize:

gTraffic info
by Alistair Rutherford,

Five day weather maps
by Kenny Shepherd.

Ninja Grapefruit’s Mapped News
by Ben ONeill

Library maps
by Richard Wallis

Spod.cx speed camera maps
by Ben Charlton

….with thanks to the independent expert judge:
Stefan Magdalinski

We’ve sent winner details to the Ordnance Survey, who kindly offered five OS Select maps, and to Google who offered a box of goodies. Thanks and well done all! Meanwhile Kenny Shepherd has updated his five-day maps to use the fab old BBC weather icons. We look forward to new and improved mashups aplenty.

One Response to “Maps mashup: final list of winners”

Phil Wilson wrote on October 16th, 2005 10:39 pm :
