WRITTEN ON May 21st, 2008 BY William Heath AND STORED IN Save Time and Money, What do we want?

DirectionlessGov just nails DirectGov on search time and time again, cheering everyone up and restoring the flagging faith and morale of people of good will who want to see something closer to ideal e-enabled government.

I was just checking a Directionless link today from my Pitcom talk below. I found that, exhausted by serving up an endless stream of random self-referential nonsense the DirectGov search function is down. The error message reads:

We are sorry, but Directgov’s search is temporarily unavailable. We aim to resume service as soon as possible. To find what you are looking for, please try again later or try the site index or use one of the links to the main sections of the site

Why on earth do they contort themselves in this way instead of statin the bleedin’ obvious?

Wibbi the DirectGov “search unavailable” error message simply said:

Please use Google or another form this list of popular search engines instead. If you wish to imit your search to official web sites try adding .gov.uk to your search criteria.

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