WRITTEN ON May 16th, 2008 BY Ruth Kennedy AND STORED IN Design: user-oriented, What do we want?

We’re refreshing our examples of excellence in ThePublicOffice. What are your favourite examples of supremely customer-orientated services (from private, public or NGO worlds)? We’d like at least 2 new examples to illustrate each of the following:

* How user-created feedback can improve services
* How navigating services can be made more simple
* How users can best help themselves to help each other
* How services can be combined in order to increase reach/take up
* How better information can improve customer experience

Please point us in the direction of some good ones … and if we choose your recommendation we’ll send you some PublicOffice paraphernalia to spice up your desk and notice board. These examples will be used to inspire public servants to think WIBBI….. Get recommending!

One Response to “Give us yer best”

Citizen Dave wrote on June 4th, 2008 6:18 pm :

“What are your favourite examples of supremely customer-orientated services (from private, public or NGO worlds)?”

The Apple Store. I went there to buy a cable and I paid with my AMEX card. They guy asked me if I wanted a paper receipt or e-mail. I said e-mail. He said thanks, bye. I walked off. It was only when I got out of the store I realised that their system had recognised my AMEX card because I use it to buy things from the Apple Store online, so they knew my e-mail address. Excellent.

I wish more places could hook up this way. I don’t generally want paper receipts at all.