WRITTEN ON July 26th, 2008 BY William Heath AND STORED IN Foundation of Trust, Identity, Pertinent Art, What do we want?

Further to what I said below, FishnChip papers has spotted a podcast by Sir Bonar Neville-Kingdom (another first?) for Consult Hyperion.

But he thinks the technology outreach czar may undermine his own cause:

If ever there was a clear statement of what is wrong with transformational government and the NIS… this podcast with Sir Bonar Neville-Kingdom, the government’s tech czar, is it….I get the distinct expression that Dave Birch from Consult Hyperion, who is very knowledgeable about identity management, is exasperated during the interview…If I didn’t know better I would have thought this was a satirical joke. Sadly, it isn’t. Listen and weep.

It is difficult engaging with people of such a different mindset. I wonder what Dave made of it.

2 Responses to “Identity and Transformational Government podcast”

ukliberty wrote on July 28th, 2008 3:49 pm :

A fascinating and enjoyable insight!

David Moss wrote on July 30th, 2008 6:31 pm :

What with all the bally-hoo, I assumed Sir Bonar had laid it on a bit thick in the Dave Maple webcast, so I had a listen. Nothing untoward, it seems to me, straight bat, can’t understand the fuss.

But then, of course, there are the secret tapes. If it weren’t for the fact that Mrs Moss fortuitously bumped into Euphorbia at Cowes, the world would never have known …

Known, that is, that Sir Bonar did go off the deep end during the interview and the editing suite was 4 foot deep in excised tape by the time the gentle and placid recording we all hear was rescued.

Transformational government doesn’t just impinge on identity management/assurance/deletion, don’t forget, but also on public services. The Cabinet Office are pretty forthright in their opinion of the intellectual stature of most public servants. But nothing like as forthright as Sir Bonar on a bad day. Poor Dave Hornbeam is still in hospital and may never play tennis again.