WRITTEN ON September 24th, 2008 BY William Heath AND STORED IN Data nitwittery, Foundation of Trust, Transformational Government, What do we want?

Look how happy people are when personalised services are targetted at them with pinpoint accuracy:

I had no idea my medical information was held on a joint computer system called `Swift’ and could be accessed by council employees. I am very distressed that I was not contacted by the NHS first to inform me of this situation and gain my permission first. I am upset also that I was allowed to be identified in this way and my personal privacy totally invaded and not respected. I had not committed a criminal offence, I was no risk to self or others and there were no child protection issues. I am livid.

Tony Collins has this perfectly formed case study of a woman hwo spoke to her GP about possible depression and became the beneficiary of routine data sharing….

One Response to “Benefits of data sharing for personalised services: case study”

david osimo wrote on September 29th, 2008 3:26 pm :

William thanks
this is very useful and informative, gives substance to the debate.
I am sure the privacy experts have other examples and studies highlighting the implications for and against.
Unfortunately have not time to follow that properly!