WRITTEN ON October 12th, 2008 BY William Heath AND STORED IN Foundation of Trust, Identity, What do we want?, Wibbipedia/MindtheGap

(from The Observer)

Plans to build support for identity cards by introducing them among ‘guinea pig’ groups, such as airport staff and students, are in crisis after 10,000 airline pilots vowed to take legal action to block them and opposition swept through Britain’s universities and councils.

In a move that could wreck the government’s strategy for a phased introduction beginning next year, the British Airline Pilots Association (Balpa) said it would seek a judicial review rather than see its members forced to adopt ID cards at a time when pilots are already exhaustively vetted…

We hve a general presumption against dropping the “F” bomb in the course of our very civilsed conversation here. But in this case it seems most straightforward to say to all the Ministers who have ever been involved and all the officials who have ever plotted a path towards ID cards:

We don’t want the fucking things. Fuck off

We want freedom, not fear. Cheerio.

One Response to “ID: the revolt of the guinea pigs”

ukliberty wrote on October 15th, 2008 1:39 pm :

Well said.