WRITTEN ON November 26th, 2008 BY Sir Bonar Neville-Kingdom GCMG KCVO AND STORED IN Foundation of Trust, What do we want?

Sir Bonar writes

Here’s an example of the sort of tricky issue one is confronted with, where one’s experience is enough to nip a nasty little problem in the bud. My colleagues at MoJ had been working ona response to the Thomas-Walport recommedations about data sharing.

Mark is a smart cookie of course, and we’re all behind his efforts to secure more data for medical research purposes. Richard is a good egg. He has to throw the odd soundbite to the news media from time to time to make a show of independence but at heart he’s as pragmatic about this stuff as the rest of us.

But look at this paragraph about European data protection law the clueless nitwits MoJ had drafted:

It should be pointed out that the present UK Act falls some way short of what is required of us under European Data Protection law. This creates a difficult situation in which a number of our Transformational Government systems for health and children are technically illegal. This could result in major systems reengineering, and revisions to long-term contracts with considerable expense to the UK taxpayer. We therefore recommend that vigorous efforts to into realigning future European law with our current data sharing practice in the UK.

I despair of Suningdale nowadays. What do they teach them? I seized my encrypted dictaphone and fired off an email for Patricia to send down to the Blackberry girls for typing. It read as follows:

Rec 6; delete para 2. Replace with The Government is committed to ensuring that European data protection instruments continue to meet the high expectations of UK citizens, and will work to ensure that UK and European law remains properly equipped to deal with challenges brought by technological and social change.

That’s all anyone needs to know. I’m jolly glad to see they used my draft in the final version. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour. We’ve still got a couple of years to sort this out in Brussels.

One Response to “Data protection: nipping the EU problem in the bud”

David Moss wrote on November 26th, 2008 5:24 am :

A copy of the following email was sent to me, presumably by mistake:

From: Sir Gus O’Donnell
To: SecStateDTI
Date: 25 November 2008
Subject: Leak


I’ve got a problem. Which means you’ve got a problem.

Pauline*. He’s gone mad. He’s taken to publishing genuine first drafts of genuine government publications.

If the reptiles ever cotton on, we’ve had it. I’ve convinced them for the moment that he’s just a lovable old buffoon and may not even exist. God forbid that they should ever meet him. For all they know, he’s the comic invention of a satirical genius.

That line is not going to hold forever. If it’s breached, the sans culottes will murder us. I hope I make myself clear.

Because I don’t want any misunderstanding between us.

I created you. I told the reptiles you were Machiavelli and Cardinal Richelieu rolled into one. And that’s what they printed.

And I can uncreate you. Mess this one up and you’ll be surprised to discover that you personally are responsible for Darling’s cock-up yesterday, and that Tony Blair considers that your fabled powers are waning.

Stop Pauline. We cannot survive open government.



* believed to be a reference to Sir Bonar