WRITTEN ON December 31st, 2008 BY William Heath AND STORED IN Foundation of Trust, What do we want?

Sir Ken MacDonald, former DPP, tells IMP like it is in The Guardian:

“The tendency of the state to seek ever more powers of surveillance over its citizens may be driven by protective zeal. But the notion of total security is a paranoid fantasy which would destroy everything that makes living worthwhile. We must avoid surrendering our freedom as autonomous human beings to such an ugly future. We should make judgments that are compatible with our status as free people.” Maintaining the capacity to intercept suspicious communications was critical in an increasingly complex world, he said. “It is a process which can save lives and bring criminals to justice. But no other country is considering such a drastic step. This database would be an unimaginable hell-house of personal private information. It would be a complete readout of every citizen’s life in the most intimate and demeaning detail. No government of any colour is to be trusted with such a roadmap to our souls.”

One Response to “IMP: a hell-house of personal private information”

Christina Z wrote on January 2nd, 2009 12:20 am :

And note my response, published in the Guardian at Comment is Free, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/dec/31/civilliberties-ken-macdonald-database-privacy, which extends the conversation about the whole interesting relationship between organised private enterprise, unelected civil servants, and government.
Note also that everyone can register for the Convention on Modern Liberty on 28th February (yes, yet another plug!) at http://www.modernliberty.net, to debate it all live!
Should be a good day…
Happy New Year and best wishes to the excellent Ideal Government and here’s to 2009 and all who sail in her.