WRITTEN ON May 15th, 2009 BY William Heath AND STORED IN Design: Co-creation, Design: user-oriented, What do we want?

A query from Deborah at thinkpublic is always something to follow up:

The NHS Institute, together with Involve and Thinkpublic are currently looking at the ways in which new technology can be used to involve patients, staff and public in health decisions.

We would like to learn more about:
whether you already use technologies to engage and involve
how you would like to find out more about doing this in future
what kind of examples there are of technology for engagement in healthcare
Please could you help us by adding your views here: http://tinyurl.com/qhavzq

Help them out people. They’re the EEEPC of design firms: exemplary, empathetic, ethnographic. The UK would be a far better place if they were running the country (tho some of the roadsigns might be misspelt).

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