WRITTEN ON July 16th, 2009 BY William Heath AND STORED IN Data nitwittery, Foundation of Trust, Transformational Government, We told you so..., What do we want?

The database carrying the details of 11m children in the UK will be accessible by 390,000 users making the system highly vulnerable at thousands of endpoints. “Why the government has created this security headache in the first place, particularly when their track record on data handling raises serious questions, is something of a mystery”…said Richard Walters, Product Director, Overtis Systems.”

One Response to “Er…Contactpoint has identifiable security flaws”

Dave Birch wrote on July 25th, 2009 12:25 pm :

“Why the government has created this security headache in the first place, particularly when their track record on data handling raises serious questions, is something of a mystery”

Actually, I think it might be reasonable to rephrase this as “why politicians with no technical expertise, civil servants with PPE degrees and clever IT suppliers created this security headache is not a mystery at all”.