WRITTEN ON July 31st, 2009 BY Richard S AND STORED IN Foundation of Trust, Identity, What do we want?

Writing on Microsoft’s Technet, Jesper M. Johansson has produced a well-reasoned article about ID. Part 1 of his article explains the impossibility – and folly – of trying to bind a person with a single identity; and how such a system would cause many more problems than it would solve.

Does the UK IPS have access to this type of advice?

4 Responses to “Readable Article about ID”

David Moss wrote on August 1st, 2009 3:46 am :

Richard S’s comment above says in 5 lines what it takes Mr Johansson 5 pages to say.

Guy Herbert wrote on August 2nd, 2009 9:05 am :

It could have if it wanted, but it doesn’t want. It’s like asking why Saudi Arabia doesn’t ask Lord Bingham for advice on how its legal system should work.

Guy Herbert wrote on August 2nd, 2009 9:20 am :

BTW, I think Johanssen still has it wrong in the same way as the IPS before he moves on to digital identity. What he calls ‘pure logical identity’ is nothing like the social phenomenon of ‘being the same person as’ in a particular context or role. The identity that is invoked when I say I am the same customer as the one who holds account 0123456789 to my bank, the history it attributes to me, is entirely distinct from the one that I inhabit if I visit a pub where everybody knows my name, but almost no-one knows my surname. And that is a good thing.

Dave Birch wrote on August 2nd, 2009 7:03 pm :

Thanks for the point, excellent article.